Evening Events
There are many entertaining evening events planned for the 2014 International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium.
Here’s an overview:
Grand Opening Ceremonies
Sunday July 6, Spalding University Center Building Ballroom. Join us for an evening of introductions and Dr. Daniel Shulz’s opening keynote: “The Learning Brain”. Dr. Shulz is the Director of Research at the National Center for Scientific Research, France. The Grandmasters will introduce the traditional styles of Tai Chi Chuan. The Symposium program and schedule, including the Certification program will be introduced. Meet Symposium staff and volunteers.
Welcome Banquet
Monday July 7, Seelbach Hilton Hotel. This banquet is a nice opportunity to take the time to be together with fellow Symposium attendees and Grandmasters and enjoy a fine-dining experience, toasts, and presentations. We hope you will join us!
Academic Keynote/Panel Discussion
Tuesday July 8, Spalding University Center Building Auditorium. This evening event features well-known speaker Arthur Rosenfeld and his keynote: “Tai Chi Brain, Tai Chi Mind”. There will also be a panel discussion with the Grandmasters and researchers engaged in fascinating questions and answers examining the traditional Chinese and modern scientific points of view regarding tai chi chuan and its effects. Time will be made for an open forum with questions from Symposium participants.
Thursday July 10, Spalding University Center Building Auditorium. This is an evening of not only great performances, but also cultural exchange among nations. Join us for a rare and extraordinary exhibition of inspiring performances from the Grandmasters, individuals and groups and more! An entertaining evening of tai chi chuan, music, and fun.
Friendship Party & Farewell
Friday July 11, Muhammad Ali Center. After the Closing Ceremonies in the late afternoon and closing keynote by Arthur Rosenfeld, join us for one last evening of celebration. Your Symposium registration includes a tour of the facility and museum, courtesy of the Ali Center. End your Symposium experience feeling inspired by Muhammad Ali’s story and inspired to achieve your goals! Enjoy a light dinner, photos, and friendships that you have made during the past week.