We are a charitable Foundation called Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan Foundation and one of our key projects for the upcoming year is to aid the International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium of 2014 by raising donations/support for this international event.

World-renowned Grandmasters from China, from the five traditional Tai Chi Chuan styles, will be attending this unique event, which aims to promote health and longevity to all through Tai Chi.  Highly respected researchers of the medical community will also be making presentations  and engaging in discussions regarding the health benefits of Tai Chi Chuan. Together, the wisdom of the Grandmasters and the insights and scientific contributions of the medical community will bring a wealth of knowledge to all.

With such an event comes many expenditures and the International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium organizing committee is doing its utmost to keep the costs down for all participants.

Even if you cannot attend this event, please consider being part of the event by making a contribution to the Symposium.

Email Support Committee for Fundraising Project – International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium 2014 Sergio Arione :  sergio@yangfamilytaichi.com

The International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium needs your help and support to successfully continue promoting health and longevity for all.