>   Please click here to read Master Yang Jun’s Symposium Letter

You can get involved in helping the International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium get the extra lift it needs to keep this event going. Your support will help to keep costs to participants down so that we can we can bring a much more feasible event to as many as possible. We expect to have 350-400 registrants at this event. Exposure to a fantastic group of professionals is what we can offer as a thank you for your corporate sponsorship.  Your tax deductible donation will follow with a receipt for your tax preparation records. We are a nonprofit / charity organization.

We would love to have you as a sponsor for the 2014 International Tai Chi Chuan Symposium. We have many opportunities and ideas that we can discuss with your sponsorship but if you have other ideas that would fit better with your corporation/business please do not hesitate to contact us.

Your personal contact to work with on this support venture will be Sergio Arione, Fundraising Support Committee.   E-mail: sergio@yangfamilytaichi.com


Corporate/Business Sponsorship Ideas we are currently working with (and again welcome new ideas that may fit your particular business):

1) Sponsorship in the “program” that all participants receive. With a thank you to your corporation/business.

2) Sponsor one of the days with your company being the “Sponsor of the Day”, helping to promote health and good life to all through the words and guidance of world-renowned masters.

3) Items for hand out from your company/business to all registrants. Banners with company/business name at the many events planned for the week.

4) If you are a TV, radio, newspaper or magazine, we would love to have you in for a few days to see what we are talking about and what the world cannot hear enough about. The Chinese have a proven track record concerning longevity and Tai Chi is at the forefront of this.  We all need to step back and see how simple life can be and how much more alive our bodies can be through the simple slow motion of Tai Chi.